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Making ORGs cyBernetic

  • unlimited liability (DAO workers personally liable)
  • no clear tax/regulatory jurisdiction
  • DAO workers can rug and abuse $$$
  • hiring / firing DAO workers hard to do
  • minimal accountability / transparency
  • web2 domains / accounts at risk
  • DAO tokens = securities (shares in a company)
  • limited liability (shielded by BORG legal entity)
  • entity incorporated in best tax/regulatory jurisdiction
  • $$$ stored in rate-limited and DAO-vetoable multisig
  • modular(DAO can stop funding BORG & replace)
  • DAO-appointed supervisor / protector
  • BORG entity holds web2 domains / accounts
  • DAO is an oracle (non-securities)
  • Card Border

Why MetaLeX


$justice = execute_contracts($facts, $logic); return trust();

Battle-Tested. Future-Proof.

When code is law, only trusted code can power the future. Our elite team's decade+ expertise combines legal acumen, software engineering, and product design to challenge entrenched legal norms and evolve them into autonomous, scalable systems of governance.


$org = new CyberneticEntity();
$org->evolve(autonomous, decentralized);
return "Welcome to the next paradigm.";

Your Next Digital Entity

MetaLeX powers Entities 2.0 — borderless, automated organizations (BORGs) that execute trust via code. Build, scale, and automate self-executing contracts without the red tape. No middlemen, just efficiency embedded in every transaction.


$app = new MiniApp(); 
$app->run(nolawyer, nomiddlemen); 
echo "Efficiency at scale.";

From Governance to Self-Governance

Transform rigid legal processes into adaptable, user-controlled systems. With MetaLeX’s programmable infrastructure, redefine legal rights, contracts, and dispute resolution on your terms. Because making the law yours shouldn’t require permission.

Meet the team

MetaLeX is, above all, a team. We are cypherpunk lawyers, engineers, and anons aiming to solve the currently unsolvable problems in crypto, AI, and finance via cyBernetic ORGanizations.

We believe autonomous technologies are forcing a complete re-imagining of both the societal and legal fabric of the world and morphing it into a fully cybernetic one. Our singular goal is to fuse on-chain protocols and off-chain legal arrangements to construct this new technologically augmented society, free of the corruption of the previous trust-dependent one. 

  • Gabriel Shapiro

    Co-Founder and CEO at MetaLeX Labs, Managing Partner at MetaLeX Pro

  • Alex Golubitsky

    Co-Founder at MetaLeX Labs, Managing Partner at MetaLeX Pro

  • Andrew Glidden

    Partner at MetaLeX Pro

  • 0xPrepop

    Tech Lead

  • Vonberg

    Design Lead / Brand Czar

  • Greypixel

    Front-End Lead/App Engineering

  • Erich Dylus

    Product Lead for LeXscroW (previously ChainLocker)

  • Pieter

    Web3 Developer

  • Wilke

    Head of Operations

Our vision

  • We’re making law cybernetic, modular, and accessible for everyone.

  • We’re automating what can be automated, so you can focus on what matters most.

  • We’re reducing fees and risks by removing unnecessary third-party intermediaries.

  • We’re redefining KYC — your name, your choice, your deal.

  • Our goal is to empower you to be independent, even from us.

  • Sounds good? Let's catch the new wave of cybernetic deal making together